소프트웨어와 콘텐츠/게임, 놀 거리 (스팀 무료게임) Mr Snuggles Dungeon Adventure alberto 2024. 12. 24. 11:51 아런 걸 너도 만둘어봐라하는 느낌? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2968730/Mr_Snuggles_Dungeon_Adventure/ Mr Snuggles Dungeon Adventure on SteamA teddy bear alone in a dungeon, his only hope for escape is... kitchen implements? A zany roguelike adventure with 100+ unique items, 9 bosses, 15+ weapons with upgrades, potion and scroll crafting and random dungeons. Explore, fight collect loot and use store.steampowered.comhttps://youtu.be/hLlPQsrfZ-I....