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PC Geek's
English spelling of Korean Postal Address (inc. postal code) 본문
아래 주소는 우체국에서 제공하는 우편번호 서비스 링크입니다.
This URL below is provided by Korea Post, the official serivice.
English spelling of Korean address -> Korean postal code
■ INPUT-1: /-Do/ (say, province) or /-Si/ (large city)
■ INPUT-2: /-Si/ (small city in a '-Do') or /-Gun/ or /-Gu/
■ INPUT-3: /-dong/ Some addresses don't need to input to show the candidate list.
Then you will see a list of addresses and the corresponding postal codes.
(usually to the apartment name or to the '-dong' / '-myeon' level, i.e. 'street' )
And with that, to complete a valid address form,
you still need to add the precise address 'number';
in case of apartments, the building number and the room number.
( Usually, the postal code depicts the name of the apartment.
if it is not included in the address name, then you should add it, too. )
Korean spelling of Korean address -> English spelling and postal code
If you know the Korean spelling (Hangul) of the Korean address, and if you need to write it in English,
the hyperlink below could be of help.
(also, you can verify the address you have got above)
INPUT: either the '-dong' name of the address, or the name of the apartment in Korean spelling.
Click [영문보기] icon in the search results. [우편번호] means 'postal code.'
This URL below is provided by Korea Post, the official serivice.
English spelling of Korean address -> Korean postal code
■ INPUT-1: /-Do/ (say, province) or /-Si/ (large city)
■ INPUT-2: /-Si/ (small city in a '-Do') or /-Gun/ or /-Gu/
■ INPUT-3: /-dong/ Some addresses don't need to input to show the candidate list.
Then you will see a list of addresses and the corresponding postal codes.
(usually to the apartment name or to the '-dong' / '-myeon' level, i.e. 'street' )
And with that, to complete a valid address form,
you still need to add the precise address 'number';
in case of apartments, the building number and the room number.
( Usually, the postal code depicts the name of the apartment.
if it is not included in the address name, then you should add it, too. )
Korean spelling of Korean address -> English spelling and postal code
If you know the Korean spelling (Hangul) of the Korean address, and if you need to write it in English,
the hyperlink below could be of help.
(also, you can verify the address you have got above)
INPUT: either the '-dong' name of the address, or the name of the apartment in Korean spelling.
Click [영문보기] icon in the search results. [우편번호] means 'postal code.'
'견적, 지름직 > 전자정부, 온라인 생활공간' 카테고리의 다른 글
운전면허 적성검사, 갱신, 각종 운전면허관련 민원: 운전면허시험관리단 (0) | 2009.11.04 |
이사 후 전입신고(방문신청만), 우편물 수령주소 변경 신청(방문, 유선, 인터넷 가능) (0) | 2009.10.31 |
자동차종합검사, 자기 차 정보 확인: 교통안전공단 자동차검사센터 (0) | 2009.08.28 |
기상청 홈페이지에서 동네예보 바로가기 (0) | 2009.08.22 |
기초연금 웹사이트 (구 기초노령연금 사이트) (0) | 2009.05.13 |
Some English information links on Korea Map, Traffic, etc. (0) | 2009.05.12 |
금융결제원 통합납부서비스: 지방세, 사회보험료, 전기/전화요금, 일반지로요금 납부, 국세, 관세, 경찰청 과태료, 인지대, 송달료 신용카드납부서비스 (0) | 2009.05.09 |
국민건강보험공단 웹사이트 (0) | 2009.04.13 |
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