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챕터 1만 무료..니까 하프라이프 데모같은 맛보기인가?라이브러리 추가용입니다. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349830/RONIN_Two_Souls_CHAPTER_1/ RONIN: Two Souls CHAPTER 1 on SteamCreate your own adventure with Kenji who wants to be a samurai and is trained for it. But beware, you might go out on your own way in this path, it is entirely up to your choices. Can someone else’s desire of revenge lead your purpose and choices? O..
상당히 경제적으로 만든 느낌?데모 화면을 보고 든 생각은,게임을 플레이하고 싶다는 생각보다는이런 종류 게임을 만들고 연출해보고 싶다는 생각이었습니다. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1104920/The_Man_Came_Around/ The Man Came Around on SteamThe Man Came Around is a survival game with narrative choices. Play five activists fleeing a police state. Cross the border. Evade the cops. Scavenge resources. Survive the elements. Will you put your group at risk to help..
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