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(스팀 무료게임) ColorCube 본문

소프트웨어와 콘텐츠/게임, 놀 거리

(스팀 무료게임) ColorCube

소개에 따르면, 장르는 3D 퍼즐, 전략, 액션이라고 합니다.


옛날 게임기시절 쏟아지던 여러 종류의 퍼즐게임들, 아직 저작권이 묶여 있나요?






ColorCube on Steam

A first-person 3D puzzle game. Objects of the same color cannot collide with each other, and you're no exception. But not only you can change the color of yourself, but also you can change the colors of other objects with a wand. This game has 43 levels. I



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