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소니 Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review Jun 7, 2010 (DPReview.com) 링크 본문

모바일, 통신/디지털 카메라 부류

소니 Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review Jun 7, 2010 (DPReview.com) 링크

2010.6. 발표.

ㅡ DSLR과 같은 APS-C 판형인 큰 14M 센서. 당시 경쟁상품대비 좋은 다이나믹 레인지.
ㅡ iso 16000 (표준 12800 상당) 지원
ㅡ 렌즈 손떨방(18-55 번들렌즈 on)
ㅡ 내장플래시 없음(전용액세서리있음). 핫슈없음.
ㅡ 매우 작은 크기.
ㅡ 3인치 "16:9비율"(시원하게 넓다 but 3:2로 찍을 때 인치수보다 작게 보인다고) 고해상도 90만화소 틸트 LCD
ㅡ 적은 버튼과 다이얼
ㅡ nex-3는 리모콘없음???


Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review

Ever since Panasonic and Olympus created their Micro Four Thirds mirrorless system, all the talk has been about what the other players in the market will do. Micro Four Thirds has been steadily building its market share, seemingly without response from the



Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review

Ever since Panasonic and Olympus created their Micro Four Thirds mirrorless system, all the talk has been about what the other players in the market will do. Micro Four Thirds has been steadily building its market share, seemingly without response from the


Sony Alpha NEX-3, Alpha NEX-5, Olympus EPL-1, Samsung NX10: key differences

Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review

Ever since Panasonic and Olympus created their Micro Four Thirds mirrorless system, all the talk has been about what the other players in the market will do. Micro Four Thirds has been steadily building its market share, seemingly without response from the


결론, 평가

Sony NEX-3 / NEX-5 Review

Ever since Panasonic and Olympus created their Micro Four Thirds mirrorless system, all the talk has been about what the other players in the market will do. Micro Four Thirds has been steadily building its market share, seemingly without response from the


* 이 카메라의 드문 단점: 버튼과 다이얼이 적어 스마트폰 카메라앱쓰듯 메뉴 내비게이션을 해야 한다는 불평.

작고강한 미러리스 카메라, 소니 NEX-5 개봉기 & 디자인 리뷰

알파(a)브랜드의 소니 카메라는 한 발 늦게 미러리스 카메라 시장에 뛰어들었지만, 초소형 초경량의 NEX시리즈로 인기를 끌고 있습니다. NEX 시리즈는 Full HD촬영이 가능한 고급형 NEX-5와 다양한 컬


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