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하드디스크 잦은 절전에 대해 본문

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하드디스크 잦은 절전에 대해

에너지스타 홈페이지의 오래된 FAQ.

대충 윈도우 XP적 나온 모양입니다.

Do computers and monitors use more energy with power management activated due to power surges when cycling on and off?

Many believe that leaving lights, computers, and other appliances on uses less energy than turning them off and also makes them last longer. On the contrary, the small surge of power created when some devices are turned on is vastly smaller than the energy used by running the device when it is not needed. While it used to be the case that cycling appliances and lighting on and off drastically reduced their useful lifetimes, these problems have been largely overcome through better design.

From &##8220;Eleven Energy Myths: From Efficient Halogen Lights to Cleaning Refrigerator Coils&##8221;, Lawrence Berkeley National Labs

Does shutting off computers and monitors through power management harm computers?

&##8220;Modern computers are designed to handle 40,000 on-off cycles before failure, and you&##8217;re not likely to approach that number during the average computer&##8217;s five- to seven-year life span. In fact, IBM and Hewlett Packard encourage their own employees to turn off idle computers, and some studies indicate it would require on-off cycling every five minutes to harm a hard drive &##8230;&##8221;
(Source: Rocky Mountain Institute Home Energy Brief ##7 Computers and Peripherals.)

Some users still are under the impression that shutting off your computer does more harm than good. Modern computers are designed to withstand frequent shut offs. Please see boxes below. &##8220;The belief that frequent shutdowns are harmful persists from the days when hard disks did not automatically park their heads when shut off; frequent on-off cycling could damage such hard disks. Conventional wisdom, however, has not kept pace with the rapid technological change in the computer industry. Modern hard disks are not significantly affected by frequent shutdowns.&##8221;
(Source: &##8220;User Guide to Power Management for PCs and Monitors&##8221;, Bruce Nordman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, January, 1997, LBNL-39466)

내용은, 5분에 한 번씩 껐다 켰다 할 게 아니라면 윈도우의 하드디스크 절전모드 (기본 15-20분 안 쓰면 재우기)는 놔둬도 괜찮다는 이야기.

그런데 웬지 찜찜하단 말이죠.

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