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Almeza Miltiset: 윈도OS 및 프로그램 자동설치 인스톨러 제작기 본문

공구함, 튜닝PRG

Almeza Miltiset: 윈도OS 및 프로그램 자동설치 인스톨러 제작기

제목과 같습니다. 오늘의 1일 무료 프로그램으로, 내일 오후 4시까지 설치, 등록하면 됩니다.

아무래도 반복설치가 귀찮은 업무용으로 괜찮을 프로그램. 윈도7 에서 설치됩니다.

제작사 사이트에 따르면, 기능은 이렇다고 해요:

1) Create a bootable USB Flash Drive. You can use Almeza MultiSet Professional software to create a bootable USB Flash Drive for automatic installing Windows and software onto a computer.

2) Automatic Windows installation. It is possible to create a CD/DVD for the automatic installation of the Windows operating system on any computer. The operating system can be installed in any mode: repairing Windows (installing above the current version of the operating system) or reinstalling it completely.

3) Automatic installation of any software. It is possible to create a CD/DVD that will automatically install any sets of software on multiple computers. For example, after Windows is installed, it is possible to install service packs, drivers, localizations, any software (codecs, audio players, service tools...) and configure them automatically as well.

4) Creating a bootable disk for simultaneous unattended Windows and software installation. It is possible to create a disk that will install both Windows and a set of software.

5) Automatically restoring software settings and tuning Windows. It is possible to automatically restore software and Windows settings. It is possible to restore registry keys, run special tools.

6) Remote automatic installation. It is possible to automatically install sets of software via the local area network. The necessary software will be automatically installed on any number of computers connected to the local area network.

GAOTD 다운로드 링크: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/almeza-multiset83/

제작사 사이트: http://www.almeza.com/content/view/31/41/

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