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- 계산기
PC Geek's
Audio Speed Changer Pro 1.5/ mp3, ogg등 음악파일 재생배속을 마음대로 본문
음성피치 변화없이 배속을 바꿔 저장할 수 있고
노말라이징 지원합니다.
스테레오->모노변환, 일괄변환, ID3태그 편집, 윈도우 탐색기 문맥 메뉴 지원.
포터블버전 다운로드됩니다.
무료 다운로드 (내일 오후 4시 전까지)
제작사 페이지:
기능은 이렇다고 합니다.
- Handles the MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV, and AAC/MP4/M4A/M4B file formats as input.
- The program is able to work in a batch mode. You can specify different tempo changing, pitch shifting, and the playback rate multiplier for separate files in the list.
- Previewing of changes before final conversion.
- Supports configurable output to the MP3, OGG, PCM/WAV, and AAC/MP4 file formats — converted audio will be available for speed listening on your personal computer, Smartphone, iPod, and any portable MP3 player.
- Individual tag editing.
- The downmixing to mono feature.
- An ability to normalize volume level of all output files.
- The software can be integrated into the Windows Explorer shell for quick access to its major functions.
- The portable version of Audio Speed Changer Pro is available.
- Works on all NT-based operating systems, from Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP, up to Windows Vista and 7, including x64 editions.
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