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Windows PC Accelerators / 윈도우의 하드디스크 억세스를 빠르게 하는 프로그램들 본문

공구함, 튜닝PRG

Windows PC Accelerators / 윈도우의 하드디스크 억세스를 빠르게 하는 프로그램들

동명의 마이크로소프트 문서입니다.

출처: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/gg463388.aspx

아래 다섯 가지 항목을 다룹니다.

Windows SuperFetch
Windows ReadyBoot
Windows ReadyBoost
Windows ReadyDrive
PC Accelerators Requirements and Recommendations
Windows 7 Improvements

전체 문서는 17쪽이며, 그 중 관심가는 몇 가지를 해석합니다.

수퍼페치.. 윈도우 파일 사용 패턴을 분석해 메모리에 읽어들일 데이터를 최적화

레디부트.. 윈도우 부팅할 때 디스크에서 읽는 파일들 위치 정보 등을 미리 읽어 저장. 다음 부팅에 사용.

레디부스트.. usb메모리 등을 윈도 성능향상용 보조메모리로 사용

레디드라이브.. 하이브리드 하드디스크 지원


    To monitor the effectiveness of ReadyBoost, use the Windows Performance Monitor (PerfMon) tool that is included with Windows. Monitor the ReadyBoostCache performance counters. Bytes Cached is the amount of data stored in the cache. More bytes in the cache improve the chances for a higher hit-rate. However, more data cached does not guarantee that the cache is effective. The effectiveness of the cache is measured by the hit-rate, which you can obtain from the counters Cache Read Bytes/sec and Total Read Bytes/sec.

    To determine the WinSAT score of a device, run the following command from an elevated command prompt:

    WinSat disk –read –ran –ransize 4096 –drive E
    The above command displays the WinSAT score for drive 1E.

If the system drive is a fast SSD, SuperFetch turns off the ReadyBoot feature.

Feature Team Contacts

For general or more technical inquiries about the Windows PC Accelerators, contact the feature teams directly:

·         For ReadyBoost, ReadyBoot, and SuperFetch, contact rbinfo@microsoft.com

·         For ReadyDrive, contact mshybrid@microsoft.com


Online Resources

ATA8-ACS Command Set


HDD manufacturers should consult the ATA8-ACS Command Set, which supports a command set for controlling the NV cache in an H‑HDD.

Driver Test Manager (DTM) and Windows Logo Kit (WLK)


By using Driver Test Manager (DTM) in the Windows Logo Kit (WLK), hardware partners can perform the appropriate tests with their H‑HDDs and flash storage devices.

Memory Sizing Guidance for Windows 7


To take full advantage of the performance benefits created by SuperFetch, PCs should include as much main memory as needed to satisfy the expected workload.

Windows Driver Kit (WDK)


Windows Performance Monitor




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