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PC Geek's
virtualbox error : Unable to allocate and lock memory 본문
i don't know why this happen. both during new os installation and image running.
= > it occurs when the assigned memory for a virtual machine is larger than the memory (maybe memory chunk) available from the system so it cannot arrange tha amount of RAM the virtual machine requests. i.e. reduce RAM in the settings page of that virtual machine. (link) Unlike VirtualPC 2007, virtualBox seems to require more RAM to run.
installation was very smooth, with no problem.
Official site:
virtualbox site: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
ps. VirtualBox cannot import a mounted hdd image. And it cannot use the physical hdd or partitions for virtual machine hdd. That's pity because these days many virtualization manager adopts the migration capability.
the Good: As I heard, the current version supports DirectX and Seamless mode and USB gadgets connection.
The VirtualBox setup file size is about 75MB. And a system with 1 GB of RAM may have trouble to run a windows XP session. I think 2GB or more would be suffifcient.
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