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PC Geek's
Dell(TM) Diagnostics: D410 놋북 시디에 있는 안내문 본문
노트북 dell driver 시디의 32bit diagnotics for resource CD 항목을 클릭하면 나오는 설명문입니다.
Starting the Dell(TM) Diagnostics
Before you start the Dell Diagnostics, print this page. Then perform the following steps:
Restart the system. If the F12 = Boot Menu option appears on the screen, use the following:
- Press the <F12> key to enter the one time boot menu.
- Insert the Dell ResourceCD into the CD-ROM drive.
- In the Boot Device Menu select the option for the IDE CD-ROM Device.
- The Dell ResourceCD will boot to a menu allowing you to boot from the CD-ROM or the Hard Drive. Choose to boot from the CD-ROM.
- After the CD-ROM boot process completes, another menu will appear. Select the option to "Run the 32 Bit Dell Diagnostics".
- A message is displayed that describes what will happen after the diagnostics run. Press the <Enter> key after reading the message.
- When more than one version of the diagnostics are present on the Dell ResourceCD there will be a menu to select the version. Select the version that lists your model number.
Restart the system. If the F12 = Boot Menu option does not appear on the screen, use the following:
- Press <DEL> or the <F2> key to enter System Setup when prompted.
- Confirm that all ports are enabled, and verify that the CD-ROM Device is listed BEFORE the Hard-Disk Drive in the Boot Sequence list.
- Insert the Dell ResourceCD into the CD-ROM drive. Press <F10> to Save Changes ( or press <ESC> and select Save Changes and Exit) and restart the system.
- The Dell ResourceCD will boot to a menu allowing you to boot from the CD-ROM or the Hard Drive. Choose to boot from the CD-ROM.
- After the CD-ROM boot process completes, another menu will appear. Select the option to "Run the 32 Bit Dell Diagnostics".
- When more than one version of the diagnostics are present on the Dell ResourceCD there will be a menu to select the version. Select the version that lists your model number.
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