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- 이미지: 포토웍스
- 이미지: FastStone Photo Resizer
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- 이미지 편집: Paint.NET, Krita
- 이미지 뷰어: 꿀뷰
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- 계산기
PC Geek's
FastStone Image Viewer 7.9: 이미지 뷰어 본문
꿀뷰/반디뷰도 있지만 이런 것도 있다는 것.
True Full Screen viewer with convenient image zoom support and unique fly-out menu panels
Crystal-clear and customizable one-click image magnifier
Powerful image editing tools: Resize/resample, rotate/flip, crop, sharpen/blur, adjust lighting/colors/curves/levels etc.
Eleven re-sampling algorithms to choose from when resizing images
Image color effects: gray scale, sepia, negative, Red/Green/Blue adjustment
Image special effects: drop shadow, framing, bump map, sketch, oil painting, lens
Draw texts, lines, highlights, rectangles, ovals and callout objects on images
Clone Stamp and Healing Brush
Superior red-eye effect removal/reduction with completely natural looking end result
Multi-level Undo/Redo capability
Single click to switch between best fit and actual size mode
Image management, including file tagging, rating and drag-and-drop to copy/move/re-arrange files
Histogram display with color counter feature
Compare images side-by-side (up to 4 at a time) to easily cull those forgettable shots
Image EXIF metadata support (plus comment editing for JPEGs)
Configurable batch processing to convert/rename large or small collections of images
Slideshow with 150+ transition effects and music support (MP3, WMA, WAV...)
Create efficient image attachments for emailing to family and friends
Print images with full page-layout control
Create fully configurable contact sheets
Create memorable artistic image montages from your family photos for personalized desktop wallpapers (Wallpaper Anywhere)
Acquire images from scanners. Support batch scanning to PDF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG
Versatile screen capture capability
Powerful Save As interface to compare image quality and control generated file size
Run favorite external editors with one keystroke from within Image Viewer
Offer portable version of the program which can be run from a removable storage device
Configurable mouse wheel support
Support themes (bright, gray and dark)
Support dual-monitor configurations
Support touch interface (tap, swipe, pinch)
Support dual instances
Play video and audio files (Third party codecs may be required for old versions of Windows)
And much more...
FastStone Image Viewer - Powerful and Intuitive Photo Viewer, Editor and Batch Converter
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