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- 영상음악파일변환: 샤나인코더
- 이미지: 포토웍스
- 이미지: FastStone Photo Resizer
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- 이미지 편집: Paint.NET, Krita
- 이미지 뷰어: 꿀뷰
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PC Geek's
NASA WorldWind: a free, open source API for a virtual globe 본문
"WorldWind is a free, open source API for a virtual globe. WorldWind allows developers to quickly and easily create interactive visualizations of 3D globe, map and geographical information. Organizations around the world use WorldWind to monitor weather patterns, visualize cities and terrain, track vehicle movement, analyze geospatial data and educate humanity about the Earth."
It's open source
Because WorldWind is completely open source, extending the API is simple and easy to do. This creates a powerful platform for giving any application the means to express, manipulate and analyze spatial data. WorldWind technology can be incorporated into a wide range of applications, including Windows, Mac, Linux, web, and mobile devices.
Build what you want
WorldWind is different from a 3D globe like Google Earth because it is not an application. Instead, it is an SDK (software development kit) that software engineers can use to build their own applications. WorldWind provides a geographic rendering engine for powering a wide range of projects, from satellite tracking systems to flight simulators.
NASA does the heavy lifting
With WorldWind handling the hard work of visualizing geographic data (generating terrain from elevation models, selecting and displaying images from imagery servers, etc), software engineers are free to focus on solving the problems specific to their own domains and more easily building whatever geospatial applications they choose.
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