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미국 게임스탑주식, 헤지펀드의 공매도 vs 개미투자자들의 매집 사건 본문

견적, 지름직/금융과 보험

미국 게임스탑주식, 헤지펀드의 공매도 vs 개미투자자들의 매집 사건


주식을 빌려 팔았다 되사 갚는 것과 자동차를 빌려 임대하다 반납하는 것의 차이는?

If you do that on a car, it will be a crime. So that's not a proper metaphor.

1st, the car you sold is usually not the car you buy again. But the stock is identical.

2nd, the stock you just sold was your stock even if it was short selling. But the car you just sold was not your car because you just have rented and not owned.


미국 게임스탑주식, 헤지펀드의 공매도 vs 개미투자자들의 매집 사건을 읽다 든 생각.



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